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These are a selection of my digital collages. I use a wide range of sources to create my work; stock photos, magazine letters, as well as my own scans and letters. My early collages started as a way to process my trauma and anger, they then developed into statements to educate and inform.
Stop Comparing Mental And Physical Health
At least its not cancer
Stop telling me to put in a complaint
"But thats illegal"
Not all charities are good
Just because a treatment exists...
How is my gender relevant
non-binary has no look
NHS Trauma
not mildArtboard 1.jpg
scolisis copy.jpg
spine collage copy.jpg
hospital signsArtboard 1.jpg
hospital signsArtboard 2.jpg
morehospital dognsArtboard 1.jpg
medical curiosity copy.jpg
iwillnotgrowoutofmyconditionArtboard 1.jpg
magec final with words.jpg
sideeffects artArtboard 1 copy 2.jpg
Mobility Aids Are Not One Size Fits All
covid mental health.jpg
transwomen NHS.jpg
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